Before Hiring A Limo Know The 5 Categories

Any important occasion in your life may be made exclusive with a limo. The fashion, luxury and comfort offered with a limo make it to be a dream mode of transportation for a lot of us.
Whether it’s an anniversary, wedding, prom or perhaps a romantic date or a Toronto city tour, a limousine might make a great distinction to your day which makes it an unforgettable one. As an increasing number of individuals are hiring limos for commuting, numerous limo service providers are coming up in Toronto and other such big cities. However before hiring a limo model from any reputed Limousine rental company, it is much better to apprehend about the various types of limos to apprehend precisely which model you need.

Traditional limousines:

Usually a model of a common four-door sedan, a normal limo is modified to make it look sophisticated and splendid. The wheelbase and body of the normal limousines are prolonged much longer as compared with sedans with a view to provide more legroom to the passengers. Other main facilities include TV, CD/DVD player, fridge and bar.

Stretch limousines:

These spacious and stylish limos have the entire climate to grab the attention of individuals at one go. With amenities like to for instance TV, CD/DVD player, bar and fridge, the stretch limos offer a seating potential all the way to 15 passengers.
These limos are more than other kinds of limo with seats arranged alongside the length of the auto so that people can sit facing with each different. Typically the most popular stretch limos are Hummer H2, Mercedes-Benz S Class, Volkswagen, Lincoln, Lexus, Corvettes and Ford.

Stage limousines:

Endowed with the top functions of a sedan and a coach, a stage limo has a primary interior aisle for passengers to get access to the seating place. The stage limousines were product of sedans like Chrysler New Yorker, Hummer H2, and Cadillac DeVille and from popular station wagons.
One key characteristic of this kind of limo is that passengers can enter through a number of doorways. Inside the cabin, there are large racks hugging the roof meant for carrying the bags of the passengers.

Exotic limousines:

These limos are the ultimate in luxury and can be personalized based on the needs of the passengers. Alongside a full-loaded bar and disco lights, a unique limo additionally incorporates services like for instance an operational hot tub, bullet proof glass, and soundproof glass window partition separating the driver and the passengers and even a small bedroom for more comfort.
The high-end limos that can be modified into exotic limos include Hummer H2, Jaguar, Infiniti, Cadillac DTS, Lincoln Navigator, Bentley, Chrysler, Audi, Ford Tour, Lincoln Town Vehicle, Mercedes-Benz, Rolls-Royce, Volkswagen and many more. All of those models are very popular one and may be hired from any reputed Toronto limo company.

Party bus:

If you are band of individuals on a tour, say an evening out in Toronto after a wedding, the very best way to go about it’s to get a limousine party bus. A party bus can carry from 10 to 50 passengers in ultimate style and luxury. Usually a party bus is designed for large groups of individuals and is equipped with comfortable seats, totally loaded in-built bars, and remote managed huge windows for better view, good sound systems, plasma televisions, DVD player, disco lights, and also smoke machines.


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